People living with brain injury, their families, and carers are invited to the North West Peer Support Coffee Catch Up. Catch ups alternate between Burnie and Ulverstone. The aim is to support people to come together to share, learn and connect with others and help them to move forward to have a good life.
New people are always welcome to come along!
Monday 3rd of February (Europa Cafe, Burnie)
Monday 7th of April (Dalton's Cafe, Ulverstone)
Tuesday 3rd of June (Europa)
Monday 4th of August (Daltons)
Monday 6th of October (Europa)
Monday 1st of December (Daltons)
11.00am – 12.30pm
Please click the link to register so we can confirm numbers for the booking.
Register and RSVP NowContact us - The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT).
BIAT not only provides information for individuals, but also for family members, carers, service providers and the community in general, who are impacted by brain injury.
Contact BIAT →