BIAT Partnerships

The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania values opportunities to collaborate and partner with like-minded organisations to improve the lives of people impacted by brain injury and other disabilities.

The Neurological Alliance Tasmania (NAT)

The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania is a member of the Neurological Alliance Tasmania.

NAT is an alliance of 10 not-for-profit organisations representing or supporting many thousands of Tasmanians living with or affected by progressive neuromuscular or neurological conditions.

The Alliance was established in October 2006 in recognition of the similar issues affecting client needs across Tasmanian neurological and muscular organisations. The Alliance collectively represents approximately 2,000 clients.

NAT meets as required and has presented submissions to various government and disability reviews and new proposals and is currently developing a strategy to best represent its clients under the new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). BIAT’s Executive Officer, Deborah Byrne, is the Chair of the Neurological Alliance Tasmania.

NAT addresses a range of systemic issues including: the impact of, and access to, the NDIS for people living with neurological conditions; GP education; and the inequities that exist in neurology services across Tasmania – the ‘postcode lottery’ that determines how far you have to travel to access services.

Visit the NAT Website here


The organisations that work along side BIAT through NAT include:

Stroke Foundation
Spina Bifida Association of Tasmania
Parkinson’s Tasmania
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Tasmania
Multiple Sclerosis Limited
Motor Neurone Disease Tasmania
Huntington’s Association Disease (Tasmania)
Epilepsy Tasmania
Alzheimer’s Australia Tasmania