Who BIAT can help?
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) can assist a range of individuals and organisations who are impacted by brain injury.
This includes people who are living with brain injury, caring for people with brain injury, and people who require more information about brain injury.
Please note: The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) is not a direct service provider and does not employ medical professionals.

Individuals with or affected by ABI
If you have, or think you have, a brain injury - BIAT can help by providing information or a National Assistance Card.

Family members and carers
BIAT also provides a range of services and help for family members and carers who may be impacted by brain injury, including our Peer Support Program.

Organisation and students
BIAT can assist organisations and students looking for further information about brain injury through information sessions, online resources and links.