June 22, 2020
Over two online sessions via Zoom* we will build skills in using our stories and voices in powerful and effective ways.
Led by Rodney Croome, Tasmanian of the Year 2015 for campaigning for the rights of the LGBTIQ community and Robin Banks, former Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner. Rodney and Robin are founders of the Inglis Clark Centre for Democracy and Human Rights.
Session 1: Thursday 25 June, 7 - 9pm
Using your story to influence decision makers:
• How stories have influenced social justice and human rights campaigns
• How different parts of a story are useful to different situations
• Developing and practicing your story
Session 2: Thursday 2 July, 7 - 9pm
Developing your pitch:
• How do we know who needs to hear our proposal?
• How do we get time with politicians and other decision makers?
• Is a meeting enough, or is more needed?
Session 1: Saturday 27 June, 11am - 1pm
Using your story to influence decision makers:
• How stories have influenced social justice and human rights campaigns
• How different parts of a story are useful to different situations
• Developing and practicing your story
Session 2: Saturday 4 July, 11am - 1pm
Developing your pitch:
• How do we know who needs to hear our proposal?
• How do we get time with politicians and other decision makers?
• Is a meeting enough, or is more needed?
Professional captioning available if requested.
All sessions will be recorded and provided to attendees.
To register: contact Disability Voices Tasmania
call 6215 6800 or email projects@disabilityvoicestas.org.au
*Zoom is an online video conferencing program - watch out videos to learn more about using Zoom
Guest Speaker Dr Jessica Trevena-Peters, a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University.
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