North West Brain Injury Peer Support Coffee Catch-Up

August 5, 2024

Peer Support

The next Ulverstone brain injury peer support coffee catchup coming up in August 2024.

Join in on the upcoming peer support group coffee catch up to be held in August in Ulverstone.

The Ulverstone/Burnie Brain Injury Peer Support Group runs a regular “coffee catch up”. This is a great opportunity for people with brain injury, their families and carers to come together for a casual chat over a coffee. New members are always welcome.

Bianca Denby is a member of our peer support group who lives with brain injury and has kindly agreed to coordinate this coffee meetup. She will be at the café to meet you and join in the conversation.  

Event Details

When:  Monday 5th August 2024

Time:   11am – 12.30pm

Where: Dalton Cafe, 48b Victoria Street, Ulverstone (in the carpark behind the laundromat and Midway Furniture). The table is booked under Brain Injury Association Tasmania. Food and drinks will be available to purchase.  

RSVP:  Please click the link to register so we can confirm numbers for the booking:–

Image description: Two coffees sitting on brown timber table with glass bottle.

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