JustACE Program launches in Tasmania's North-West

May 26, 2022


It's an exciting chapter for both The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania and Wellways Australia, as the JustACE Program is launching around Tasmania.

JustACE is a newly established state-wide service that, in partnership with Wellways Australia, will improve outcomes for Tasmanians living with cognitive impairment who are involved with the criminal justice system as offenders.    

A key component of the service is supporting court diversion pathways in Tasmania for people with cognitive impairment and low-level offending away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate community-based services.    

Case Manager/Program Facilitators have been employed for the North-West Coast, North and South of the state to support people with cognitive impairment in these areas in the criminal justice system.

The program is now running on the North-west Coast. There be will online launches for Launceston on the 23rd June 2022 and Hobart on the 7th July 2022.

The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania Project Manager Marie-Clare Couper said there are two ways the JustACE program will make a difference.  

"Firstly, JustACE will be working directly with people with cognitive impairment to help them manage the behaviours which might be getting them into trouble with the law, whilst also supporting them as they navigate through the justice system," she said.

"Secondly, JustACE will be working with the different services that make up the criminal justice system, such as the police, courts, community corrections, and the prison, to improve their capacity to identify and work effectively with people with cognitive impairment”.  

"By addressing the issues from both angles, the JustACE program will reduce the number of people with cognitive impairment getting ‘stuck in the system’ and, for people who are currently cycling through the system, improve their access to the services and supports they need to exit the justice system and live safe and meaningful lives in the community”.  

"These kinds of outcomes have the added benefit of making our communities safer and reducing the cost to taxpayers."  

The JustACE program is funded by The Australian Government Department of Social Services.

For more information about the JustACE Service please visit https://www.wellways.org/our-services/justace  

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