September 24, 2020
Disability Voices Tasmania has set up Inclusive Tourism Project lead by people with disability from across the state who have agreed that a major part of this project will be to develop a 3-5-minute film highlighting positively the social justices and economic benefits of inclusive tourism.
Already the project has connected widely with peak and local tourism organisations and providers who are supportive and excited by this work.
Throughout the project people with disability have been offered opportunities to learn and develop new skills and knowledge, opportunities to increase motivation, build confidence and opportunities to influence change. This includes administrative tasks such as chairing meetings, taking minutes and speaking to the media.
Once completed the film will be an educative tool used by trained people with disability to assist tourism providers in making their experience inclusive.
Areas that people have already indicated an interest in being involved are:
The Inclusive Tourism Project film brief is currently with a number filmmakers to develop their proposals.
Disability Voices Tasmania are seeking more people with disability to join this project.
If you, or someone your know or support might like to join the Inclusive Tourism Project please contact:
phone: 03 6215 6800
It is not too late to join!
The project team meet fortnightly on Zoom, with face-to-face meetings also planned for Burnie and Hobart.
Disability Voices Tasmania are skilled in captioning and using Auslan interpreters on Zoom. If economic barriers may prevent you joining the project (such as cost of data, or attending a face-to-face meeting) please contact Disability Voices Tasmania.
Guest Speaker Dr Jessica Trevena-Peters, a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University.
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